Immigration services for business owners seeking assistance in navigating through the complex Foreign Worker and Immigration process.

Deliver your business the tools and knowledge necessary to find and keep the foreign skilled workers you need to be successful.

Businessmen Seeking to Immigrate to Canada

The Canadian government has always been very supportive of business immigration and has introduced various forms of business immigration to meet the needs of different business immigration applicants, with the aim of encouraging foreign investors to invest in Canadian small and medium-sized businesses to contribute to the country’s economic prosperity. At the same time, as China’s economy continues to soar and families become more affluent, Chinese citizens are demanding a better quality of life and are more willing to invest in their children’s education and future.

Canada is an ideal country for immigrants, with its pleasant climate, high quality of life, excellent business environment, multicultural society, fair immigration policy, good education facilities and favorable development for new immigrants, Canada has become the choice of many Chinese citizens who want to realize their dream of emigration.

If you are a businessman and you are less than 55 years old, you don’t need to know English, and you operate a local Canadian business with a minimum of $150,000 Canadian dollars, your family, including the applicant, your spouse and your minor children, will be able to obtain a Canadian permanent residence visa in four years, and one year after obtaining the permanent residency, your family will be able to apply for Canadian citizenship and obtain a Canadian passport. This immigration visa is the most popular amongst the world’s high net worth individuals. This immigration visa is the most popular amongst business owners!

Selling Your Canadian Business?

If you are considering selling your business in Canada, potential buyers may be available through us. It’s crucial to comprehend the immigration process and be aware of what to anticipate when opting to sell your business.

Kindly fill out the questionnaire below, and one of our experts will reach out to you with more information.

Canadian Companies Seeking Foreign Worker Needs.

We are trusted as Authorized Representatives in dealing with all applications to:

  • Employment and Skills Development Canada (ESDC)
  • Provincial Nominee Programs (PNPs)
  • Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC)

If you are an employer seeking a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) for a position you are offering a foreign national or you are attempting to navigate a Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) with your employee seeking permanent residence in Canada, we are here to provide you with experienced, knowledgeable assistance.

We understand the challenges these processes can pose for human resource departments and small business owners.  The process has only become more daunting in recent years with the advent of mandatory Transition Plans and caps on the number of foreign workers that can be hired by an employer.

For many years, we have been assisting organizations large and small in ensuring they can fill their Foreign Worker needs as required. If you require an experienced hand to assist you through the process of hiring or retaining a Foreign Worker, please contact us today.

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